
Реферат Влияние культурных контактов на формирование русской культуры Евразия и скандовизантия. Учебная работа № 193214

Количество страниц учебной работы: 18

Введение 3
1. Причины двойственности русской культуры 4
2. Влияние Скандинавии и Византии на формирование русской культуры 7
3. Сущность евразийской концепции развития русской культуры 11
Заключение 16
Список использованной литературы 18

Стоимость данной учебной работы: 390 руб.


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    Соглашение * (обязательно) Федеральный закон ФЗ-152 от 07.02.2017 N 13-ФЗ
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    Учебная работа № 193214. Реферат Влияние культурных контактов на формирование русской культуры Евразия и скандовизантия

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    Влияние туризма на экономику и социально-культурную сферу

    …..re and nature could be
    seen as conflicting goals. (Besculides, Lee, McCormick, 2002:303) In this
    paper I will consider impacts of tourism with reference to the Lofoten
    Islands. This is a popular tourist destination in Northern Norway. The area
    is unique because of its nature and variety of sea activities, e.g.
    fishing, boat trips, sailing etc. It is also known in Norway as a
    traditional fishing community, where the fishing industry dominates the
    economy and the social life of the local people. Today those resources
    which used to be source of living for the local community have become very
    attractive for tourists. It is a challenge to get most profits of the
    situation and avoid possible conflicts.2. Economic impacts of tourism
    According to recent statistics, tourism provides 10 percent of the world’s
    income and employs almost one tenth of the world’s workforce
    (www.investigate.html). By the year 2010 these numbers will double. All
    considered, tourism’s actual and potential economic impact is astounding.
    Many people emphasise positive aspects of tourism as a source of foreign
    exchange, a way to balance foreign trade, an “industry without chimney” –
    in short, manna from heaven.(L.van den Berghe, source unknown) But there
    are also negative sides of tourism’s economic boom for local communities:
    Economic impacts to the local community depend on how much of the incomes
    generated by tourists go to the host communities. In most all-inclusive
    package tours more than 80 percent of travellers’ fees go to the airlines,
    hotels and other international companies, not to local businessmen and
    workers (www.ecotourism.org).
    Large hotel chain restaurants often import food to satisfy foreign visitors
    and rarely employ local staff for senior management positions, preventing
    local farmers and workers from reaping the benefit of their presence.
    Resorts and hotels often over-consume natural resources like water and
    power, forcing utility prices up and causing blackouts and water shortages
    for locals.
    Many tourists never leave the hotel grounds or cruise ship, reducing the
    possibility of tourist income for local businesses. “Rug sack tourists”
    have little effect on host communities as they consume very little during
    the trip.
    Faced with limited economic prospects, locals lose the incentive to
    preserve and conserve their natural and cultural resources.
    Sometimes the costs connected with tourism overcome the incomes that
    tourists generate. For example, in all-inclusive packages, as I have said,
    most of the expenditures go to the airlines, hotel chains and
    touroperators, while the local communities have to work with pollution and
    destruction in their region caused by tourists. As a result, it costs a
    lot for the local communities to preserve the nature and the cultural
    monuments in the region while a good deal of incomes flow out of the host-
    With reference to the Lofoten Islands the question is how the fishing
    society can get the most of the tourism industry, and whether the local
    people can get positive economic effects out of the developing tourism in
    their region.
    Here is a figure showing relationship between tourism and local community
    based on economic impacts.
    | | |
    | |How much income does tourism give to the |
    | |local community? |
    |How much resource does | | |
    |tourism use in the area? |A lot of |Little |
    | | | |
    |A lot of |Acceptable tourism |Undesirable tourism |
    | | | |
    |Little |Desirable tourism |“Invisible” tourism | Fig.1 “ A general model of the local communities’ opinion about tourism” Rшnningen 1996 Kilde: Kulturturisme. Lofoten som reiselivsattraksjon. Hovedfag.PDF, www.nhh.no/geo/prosjekt/kbl/r200rapport.pdfThe figure shows 4 types of economic impacts of tourism, based on the
    coming incomes and the use of resources. No community would want tourism
    that uses a lot of resources in the area but leaves little money to the
    local population. Such tourism can be called undesirable. Communities can
    put up with tourism that gives tem a lot of incomes but also uses a lot of
    resources. It is the so-called acceptable tourism. In case when the use of
    resources is little and the incomes to the region are also little, th…


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