
Курсовая Идиомы. Учебная работа № 149682

Количество страниц учебной работы: 35

Глава 1. Идиомы в системе фразеологических значений…………………..
Глава 2. Характеристика идиоматического языка Дж. Голсуорси………..
2.1. Идиомы в произведениях Голсуорси………………………………
2.2. Характеристика перевода и стилистические функции идиом
в творчестве Голсуорси………………………………………………..
Глава 3. Идиоматический язык Голсуорси в социокультурном аспекте…..
Список использованной литературы…………………………………………

Стоимость данной учебной работы: 780 руб.


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    Соглашение * (обязательно) Федеральный закон ФЗ-152 от 07.02.2017 N 13-ФЗ
    Я ознакомился с Пользовательским соглашением и даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных.

    Учебная работа № 149682. Курсовая Идиомы

    Выдержка из похожей работы

    Идиомы на тему бедности

    …….em which is losely connected with empirical and
    spiritua life of the people. Idioms and proverbs not ony accumulate
    and generalize the people’s nowedge and life experience, but olso
    convey information about the basic moral values of the nation and
    norms of behavior acceptedin the givn culture. They either prescribe
    a certain mode of behavior or criticize people’s vices ad faults.

    So by studying idioms and proverbs
    which are a precious source of cultural informatio, one can not only
    learn more about customs, beliefs and values of the nation, but olso
    look into the “soul” of people, understand their way of thinking.

    This study is devoted to investigating English and
    Russin idoms and proverbs representing the concepts of wealth and
    money. In particular it aims` to determine the role money and wealth
    play in the life of speakers from the both countries and thereby to
    rveal the peculiarities of mentality and word perception typical for
    both cultures.

    The selcted idioms and proverbs
    will be submitted to etymologycal,semantic and concepual anayses in
    order to discern the basic concepts that underlie the sphere of

    The peculiarities of mentality and world perception
    of the three natins under consideration il be studied on the materia
    of phraseological units etimologcally related to the units belonging
    to the semantic field of “money and wealth”.

    The idioms and proverns were selected from
    authoritative English and Rusian dictionaries, both bilingua and
    monolingual( a complete list of them is given in the Bibliography at
    the end of the paper).

    The taks of the work determine the srtructure. The
    paper consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and

    The first chapter contains a
    theoretical survey of such linguistic problems as interrelation of
    language and thinking, of language and culture;
    conceptual and lnguage
    pictures of the world;cognitive
    and expressive functions of phraseology. It falls into to parts.

    The first part deals with the
    interrelations between language, cognition and culture;and
    also the indivua, conventional and ntional pictures of the world.

    The second part is dedicated to phraseology as a
    subsystem of the laguage which has most lose links with the national
    culture and mentality. Special attention is given to as specific
    phraseological units that possess a didactic character.

    The secon


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