
Контрольная Психологя личности. Учебная работа № 118809

Количество страниц учебной работы: 14,4

«1. Понятие личности в различных психологических подходах 2
2. Структура личности 8
3. Уровни, правила и способы построения психологических характеристик личности 10
Литература 13

Стоимость данной учебной работы: 585 руб.


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    Соглашение * (обязательно) Федеральный закон ФЗ-152 от 07.02.2017 N 13-ФЗ
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    Учебная работа № 118809. Контрольная Психологя личности

    Выдержка из похожей работы

    …ad their teams. Being an effective leader in one
    organisation does not presuppose the same success in other organisation.
    There are many “but” in this field of study, leadership raises lots of
    questions. No wonder that there are several approaches to leadership.
    The aim of this paper is to assess the applicability and value of different
    approaches using a service organisation as an example. I have chosen
    Quality Arcticus Hotel in Harstad and three of its leaders as a field for
    my research. I work at this organisation, so I know the personnel and I
    have observed the style of their work for some period. Now I will use my
    knowledge and the method of interview to go deeper into the question.
    Quality Arcticus Hotel is a typical service organisation that offers
    lodging and catering. The restaurant and the cafй belonging to the hotel
    are both very popular among the citizens of Harstad. The hotel itself is
    the second best in the town, following Rшkenes Gjestegеrd (which takes the
    first place due to its exclusiveness) Such success of Arcticus Hotel would
    be impossible without effective leadership.
    My work consists of theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical
    part I describe the approaches that we have been introduced to.
    In the practical part I take a look at the structure of the Quality
    Arcticus Hotel and try to apply different approaches to leadership to
    understand the style…


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