
Контрольная Внимание, его особенности и характеристики-лекция+презентация. Учебная работа № 119364

Количество страниц учебной работы: 17

«Введение 3
1. Подходы, объясняющие феномен внимания 4
2. Факторы, определяющие внимание 5
3.Физиологические основы внимания 7
4.Виды внимания 10
5.Свойства внимания. Нарушения внимания 12
Заключение 16
Список литературы 17

Стоимость данной учебной работы: 390 руб.


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    Учебная работа № 119364. Контрольная Внимание, его особенности и характеристики-лекция+презентация

    Выдержка из похожей работы

    …s, but overall people are quite satisfied with their jobs.  According
    to the surveys percentage of satisfied people averages in the US is about 85
    percent. The feelings, reflecting attitudes toward one’s job, are known as job

                Settings, related to the
    personnel job satisfaction and devotion to the company, are presenting special
    interest for the theory of organizational behavior and practice of human
    resource management.

    A discussion of
    the job satisfaction problem concentrates attention on the employees’ attitude
    toward their job, and a discussion of organization devotion –on the attitude
    toward the organization in the whole.

    What is job satisfaction once more?

    Lock gives a
    following detail definition of job satisfaction: “ pleasant, positive
    emotional condition coming from your job evaluation or job experience.”1
    Job satisfaction is a result of the very employees perception of the fact for
    how much their job provides important, from their viewpoint,

    There are three
    most important parameters of job satisfaction. First, job satisfaction
    represents emotional reaction for the situation lay at the office. It’s
    impossible to see it, it …


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